Education and Training

Advanced Apprenticeships
In Great Britain the approved route to becoming qualified is by undertaking an Advanced Apprenticeship. The Colleges listed on this page are approved to deliver it.
For full details on how to begin your training as a farrier please contact one of the Colleges or visit the Farrier Registration Council’s website.
To become an Approved Training Farrier please read here.
All Farriery and Blacksmithing course are delivered at The Rural Craft Centre at the Holme Lacy Campus.
Farriery Courses
- Farriery Access Level 2 Diploma
- Advanced Apprenticeship in Farriery Level 3 (work based) and the Diploma of the Worshipful Company of Farriers
- Certificate in Forgework (This is a short course with the primary aim of giving students the practical blacksmithing element of the entry requirements for a Farriery Advanced Apprenticeship – this course run subject to demand and some forging experience is necessary.)
Blacksmithing Courses
- Blacksmithing & Metalworking Level 2 Diploma
- Blacksmithing & Metalworking Level 3 Subsidiary/Extended Diploma
- Artist Blacksmithing BA (Hons)
- Design and Forgework Skills (Block Release advanced course for employed or self-employed blacksmiths)
- Certificate in Forgework (Prime aim of giving students the practical blacksmithing element of the entry requirements for a Advanced Apprenticeship in Farriery)
Address: Herefordshire & Ludlow College, The Rural Craft Centre, Holme Lacy Campus, Hereford HR2 6LL
Telephone: 0800 032 1986
Farriery direct dial: 01432 870064
Blacksmithing – Level 2 Technical Diploma – 12 months full-time
Course Tutor – Ruth Parkes
Designed for those people who wish to gain a broader level 2 blacksmith qualification, with a view to progressing within the blacksmith industry, further or higher education, or diversifying to a farriery apprenticeship. Find more information here.
Advanced Apprenticeship in Farriery Standard Level 3 in Farriery and the End Point Assessment with Worshipful Company of Farriers (over 4 years)
This is a licence to practise qualification. Apprentices must be employed by an ATF prior to commencing the apprenticeship. Find more information here.
Diploma HE in Farriery (2 years) on-line and in College.
Course Tutor: Jon Mather BSc (Hons) Farriery AWCF
Linked to University of Central Lancashire. This two-year Diploma introduces scientific research and increases the depth of knowledge for the role of the modern day Farrier. This is the next step up the academic ladder after completion of the Dip WCF. This is a recognised qualification to complete the Train the Training Farrier (TTFA). This award(TTFA) is offered free of charge to all Diploma HE Farriery students and will run during the academic year.
Find more information here.
Train the Training Farrier Award.
Approved by the Farriers Registration Council. This course is available to any Farrier with the HE Dip Farriery, BSc (Hons) Farriery or AWCF wishing to become an ATF. The course is delivered over two days of College attendance to complete the theory, practical teaching and shoe making.
BSc (Hons) Farriery (2 years) delivered on line and in College.
Course Tutor: Jon Mather BSc (Hons) Farriery AWCF
The next step after the Diploma HE Farriery. The 2-year degree programme has moved Farriery into closer workings with veterinary research and has allowed Alumni to diversify into other branches of the farriery industry, and progress onto Masters degrees and PhD-level study.
Find more information here.
Head of Area – Veterinary Nursing and Farriery
Claire Bloor MA Ed BSc (Hons) VN RVN PGCE QTLS Cert VN (Dentistry)
Address: Myerscough College, St. Michael’s Road, Bilsborrow, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0RY
Telephone: 01995 642339
Assistant Head of Area – Farriery (until end of April 2022)
Linda Quinn Cert Ed V1
Address: Myerscough College, St. Michael’s Road, Bilsborrow, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0RY
Telephone: 01995 642222 ext. 2232
Assistant Head of Area – Farriery (from end of April 2022)
Craig D’Arcy BSc (Hons) Farriery AWCF Cert Ed
Address: Myerscough College, St. Michael’s Road, Bilsborrow, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 0RY
Telephone: 01995 642222 ext. 3054
Moreton Morrell College, part of WCG, covers 650 acres of Warwickshire countryside and is home to our Farriery provision. The college has two programmes currently available:
Blacksmithing and Metalwork (Farrier Access pathway)
Level 3 Certification
Duration: 1 Year
This course is designed to help those who want to go on to gain a Farriery Apprenticeship by developing their forging, horse anatomy, shoemaking and other skills needed to be useful to an Approved Training Farrier (ATF). This is a one-year, full time course, where you spend four days a week at College. A block of 2 weeks industrial experience with an ATF is included.
Level 3 Advanced Apprenticeship
Duration: 42-48 months
The Advanced Apprenticeship in Farriery is the route recognised by the Farriers Registration Council (FRC) to becoming a registered farrier in the UK. To become an apprentice it is first necessary to gain an employed position with an FRC Approved Training Farrier (ATF).
Training towards these qualifications will take place at Moreton Morrell College and in the workplace. Assessment will take place throughout the apprenticeship during blocks at Moreton Morrell College. Practical and theory assessments take place throughout the training. The apprenticeship culminates in taking the Worshipful Company of Farriers Diploma examination, which includes theory and practical elements.
This is a roll-on-roll-off programme which can start at any point in the year.
Address: Warwickshire College Group, Moreton Morrell College, Moreton Morrell, Warwick, Warwickshire United Kingdom CV35 9BL
Contact: L Trill
Telephone: 03301 356849