Webinar: What are horses trying to tell us through their facial expressions?

Event date: 14th August 2024 - 14th August 2024

TalkEquine Research webinar with Dr Claire Ricci-Bonot


This FREE webinar will take you through the story of Claire’s postdoc research (supported by The Horse Trust) which aimed to recognise negative affective states in the horse.

Claire will explain how she created different situations related to anticipation of reward which induced different emotional states in horses, and how she used the Equi Facial Action Coding System (EquiFACS) tool to measure their facial expression. Claire will share her results which have practical value for horse owners/carers/allied professionals and will help us to appreciate the signs to look out for to recognise a horse’s needs, especially to learn to recognise facial expressions of frustration and disappointment during feeding periods.

Claire will also present the development of artificial intelligence models to automatically recognise horse emotional states from their facial expressions.

We hope you’ll join us for another TalkEquine webinar – suitable for everyone interested in equine research.

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1Tr5wN9-THSZZOzXziVjPw