Farrier Associations

American Farrier’s Association
Representing professional farriers, veterinarians, suppliers and horse owners, the American Farrier’s Association is the oldest and largest membership organization for the farrier industry in North America, and the only one with internationally recognized standards of competency through our certification programs.
Setting the standard for excellence in hoof care, the AFA provides professional development, certification, leadership and resources for the benefit of the farrier industry and the welfare of the horse.
Download our New App! (In Apple & Android Stores): American Farrier’s Association
Martha Jones, Executive Director
4059 Ironworks Parkway, Suite 1
Lexington, KY 40511
Email: mjones@americanfarriers.org
Info: info@americanfarriers.org
Tel: 859-233-7411

The European Federation of Farriers Associations - EFFA
The European Federation of Farriers Associations (EFFA) comprises of farriery associations in 15 European nations. The Mission of the European Federation of Farriers Associations is to improve the welfare of the horse by encouraging the highest standards of trimming and shoeing. Its objectives include:
- To provide a forum for the spread of knowledge and best practice amongst farriers throughout Europe
- To develop a common basic standard of competence in farriery
- To encourage all European countries, whether members of the European Union or not, to adopt this common basic standard as a minimum and to accredit national qualifications against this common basic standard
- To prevent and avoid suffering by and cruelty to horses arising from the trimming and shoeing of horses by unskilled persons
- To develop and publicise a register of Certified Eurofarriers.
The full list of objectives and more information can be found on the EFFA website.
Email: secretary@eurofarrier.org

New Zealand Farriers Association
The New Zealand Farriers Association has members stretching the length and breadth of New Zealand. We are a non-profit organisation and provide a high level of training for farriers in NZ which results in a recognised qualification. We aim to promote improved standards of hoof care and farriery for the ultimate welfare of the equine population in New Zealand.
Our objectives include:
- To arrange where necessary the work of farriers to provide a competent service to the community
- To co-operate with the appropriate organisations on all matters concerning the training of farriers
- Regular shoeing competitions and clinics
- Member benefits

Norwegian Farrier Association
The Norwegian Farrier Association is the national organisation for farriers in Norway. The association works for its members and their interests, and is the link between the farrier industry and the government. The horse and its welfare is fundamental for everything the association is involved in.
Email: post@hovslagerforeningen.no

Swedish Farrier Association
The Swedish Farrier Association is an apolitical, non-profit association that works to safeguard the interests of the educated Swedish farriers. The association also works to ensure that education in Sweden maintains an even and high standard. SHF is also responsible for the Swedish equivalents to CJF and Master farrier for the Swedish farrier profession. The association has about 530 members.