BFBA Head Office
BFBA – Representing the Professional
The British Farriers and Blacksmiths Association exists to represent, and be the voice of, the professional farrier whilst supporting and enabling our farriery and blacksmithing members throughout their career.
The BFBA Head Office is based in Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire and is open during normal office hours. Should you have a query please do not hesitate to contact us.
The BFBA was established in 1904 and was formerly known as the National Association for Farriers, Blacksmiths and Agricultural Engineers (NAFBAE). The Association’s trading name was changed in 2010 to reflect its evolving membership and role.
Branch Secretaries
Head Office is happy to support our Branch Secretaries and can, if required, type up, print and send out branch meeting notices.
All you need to do is send the information required, preferably by email, to Head Office. Please do not leave it to the last minute – at busy times of the year it may not be possible to deal with your paperwork immediately!
Our strength is in our membership and we encourage all UK farriers, blacksmiths and apprentices to join the Association, get involved and have your say. The list of benefits to members is impressive.
Head Office Staff

Claire Whitehouse
National Secretary
Content to follow

Holly Flack
National Events and Marketing Coordinator
Content to follow